Guide for Converting Latitude/Longitude Coordinates

Fractions of degrees are broken down into minutes and seconds. Each minute represents 1/60th of a degree and each second represents 1/60th of a minute (or 1/3600th of a degree). Below are the steps for converting from an angle in degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees and back to degrees-minutes-seconds.

D = Degrees
M = Minutes
S = Seconds
.m = Decimal Minutes
.s = Decimal Seconds
DM.m = Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (ex. 45°22.6333);
D.d = Degrees, Decimal Degrees (ex. 45.3772°);
DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (ex. 45°22'38");

  1. DMS --> DM.m (45°22'38" --> 45°22.6333):

    - Divide S by 60 to get .m (38 / 60 = 0.6333)
    - Add .m to M to get M.m (22 + 0.6333 = 22.6333)

  2. DM.m --> D.d (45°22.6333 --> 45.3772):

    - Divide M.m by 60 to get .d (22.6333 / 60 = 0.3772)
    - Add .d to D to get D.d (45 + 0.3772 = 45.3772)

  3. D.d --> DM.m (45.3772 --> 45°22.6333):

    - Multiply .d by 60 to get M.m (0.3772 * 60 = 22.6333)

  4. DM.m --> DMS (45°22.6333 --> 45°22'38"):

    - Multiply .m by 60 to get S (0.6333 * 60 = 38)

Notes specific to latitude/longitude coordinates and Satloc: 1) For manual entry of coordinates into the airplane's Satloc equipment, make sure the input coordinates are in DM.m format. 2) To create a file for uploading to Satloc, the coordinates need to be in D.d format. Make sure the longitude is preceded by a minus sign.